Save the Date-Banquet and Annual Meeting
Well It’s that time of year again. We are officially inviting everyone to our Banquet, Fun night and Annual Meeting.
Date-Sunday, August 11th,2024
Place- Delpark Homes Centre- Leisure Room and Gymnasium
To RSVP please click here
To sign up for the potluck please click here
For more inform about our Annual Meeting- Click here
The schedule for the day is as follows-
3:45pm-4:00pm-Sign in for skaters/children
4:00pm-4:55pm-Annual Meeting(Leisure Room)- Adults/ Fun Night(Gym)- Skaters/Children
5:00pm-7:00pm-Banquet(leisure room)- food and awards-Everyone
We are in need of new Board Members if you want more information please email Mandy at
CALL FOR BOARD MEMBERS-To nominate please fill out this form and return it to the above email by July 15th.-PDF
We look forward to seeing everyone there.