Concussion Awareness
Concussion Policy PDF
To ensure an environment where athletes, parents, guardians, coaches, volunteers, and all others involved in a skater’s training and health are educated on concussion symptoms. Our goal is to ensure our skaters are as healthy as possible and get the treatment needed to ensure the best results.
Athletes under 26 and parents of athletes under 18 years of age must confirm that they have reviewed the Government of Ontario Concussion Awareness Resources below and Oshawa Skating Club’s Concussion Code of Conduct for Athletes and Parents/Guardians prior to registration and/or on the first day of skating.
Coaches and Volunteers must confirm that they have reviewed the Government of Ontario Concussion Awareness Resources below and Oshawa Skating Club’s Concussion Code of Conduct for Coaches and Volunteers prior to starting their role and/or on the first day of skating.
Government of Ontario Concussion Awareness Resources – Rowan’s Law E-booklet:
Ages 10 and Under
Ages 11-14
Ages 15 and Up
Please see Appendix K for the Concussion Code of Conduct for Athletes and Parents/Guardians
Please See Appendix L for the Concussion Code of Conduct for Coaches and Volunteers
If your skater does get a concussion on one of our sessions, or outside of our club, please see Appendix C the Removal for Sport Protocol. This must be followed at all times. The athlete must be removed from sport until Appendix D the Return to Sport Protocol is completed.
Concussion Code of Conduct for Athletes and/or Parents/Guardians-PDF
(for athletes under 18 year of age)
I will help prevent concussions by:
● Wearing the proper equipment for my sport and wearing it correctly.
● Developing my skills and strength so that I can participate to the best of my ability.
● Respecting the rules of my sport or activity.
● My commitment to fair play and respect for all* (respecting other athletes, coaches, team trainers and officials).
I will care for my health and safety by taking concussions seriously, and I understand that:
● A concussion is a brain injury that can have both short- and long-term effects.
● A blow to my head, face or neck, or a blow to the body that causes the brain to move around inside the skull may cause a concussion.
● I don’t need to lose consciousness to have had a concussion.
● I have a commitment to concussion recognition and reporting, including self-reporting of possible concussion and reporting to a designated person when and individual suspects that another individual may have sustained a concussion.* (Meaning: If I think I might have a concussion I should stop participating in further training, practice or competition immediately, or tell an adult if I think another athlete has a concussion).
● Continuing to participate in further training, practice or competition with a possible concussion increases my risk of more severe, longer lasting symptoms, and increases my risk of other injuries.
I will not hide concussion symptoms. I will speak up for myself and others.
● I will not hide my symptoms. I will tell a coach, official, team trainer, parent or another adult I trust if I experience any symptoms of concussion.
● If someone else tells me about concussion symptoms, or I see signs they might have a concussion, I will tell a coach, official, team trainer, parent or another adult I trust so they can help.
● I understand that if I have a suspected concussion, I will be removed from sport and that I will not be able to return to training, practice or competition until I undergo a medical assessment by a medical doctor or nurse practitioner and have been medically cleared to return to training, practice or competition.
● I have a commitment to sharing any pertinent information regarding incidents of removal from sport with the athlete’s school and any other sport organization with which the athlete has registered* (Meaning: If I am diagnosed with a concussion, I understand that letting all of my other coaches and teachers know about my injury will help them support me while I recover.)
I will take the time I need to recover, because it is important for my health.
● I understand my commitment to supporting the return-to-sport process* (I will have to follow the Club’s Return-to-Sport Protocol).
● I understand I will have to be medically cleared by a medical doctor or nurse practitioner before returning to training, practice or competition.
● I will respect my coaches, team trainers, parents, health-care professionals, and medical doctors and nurse practitioners, regarding my health and safety.
Items marked with an asterisk * are mandatory by O.Reg. 161/19: General.
Concussion Code of Conduct for Coaches and Volunteers- PDF
I can help prevent concussions through my:
● Efforts to ensure that my athletes wear the proper equipment and wear it correctly.
● Efforts to help my athletes develop their skills and strength so they can participate to the best of their abilities.
● Respect for the rules of my sport or activity and efforts to ensure that my athletes do, too.
● Commitment to fair play and respect for all (respecting other coaches, team trainers, officials and all participants and ensuring my athletes respect others and play fair). *
I will care for the health and safety of all participants by taking concussions seriously. I understand that:
● A concussion is a brain injury that can have both short- and long-term effects.
● A blow to the head, face, or neck, or a blow to the body may cause the brain to move around inside the skull and result in a concussion.
● A person doesn’t need to lose consciousness to have had a concussion.
● An athlete with a suspected concussion should stop participating in training, practice or competition immediately.
● I have a commitment to concussion recognition and reporting, including self-reporting of possible concussion and reporting to a designated person when an individual suspects that another individual may have sustained a concussion. *
● Continuing to participate in further training, practice or competition with a suspected concussion increases a person’s risk of more severe, longer lasting symptoms, and increases their risk of other injuries or even death.
I will create an environment where participants feel safe and comfortable speaking up. I will:
● Encourage athletes not to hide their symptoms, but to tell me, an official, parent or another adult they trust if they experience any symptoms of concussion after an impact.
● Lead by example. I will tell a fellow coach, official, team trainer and seek medical attention by a physician or nurse practitioner if I am experiencing any concussion symptoms.
● Understand and respect that any athlete with a suspected concussion must be removed from sport and not permitted to return until they undergo a medical assessment by a physician or nurse practitioner and have been medically cleared to return to training, practice or competition.
● For coaches only: Commit to providing opportunities before and after each training, practice and competition to enable athletes to discuss potential issues related to concussions. *
I will support all participants to take the time they need to recover.
● I understand my commitment to supporting the return-to-sport process. *
● I understand the athletes will have to be cleared by a physician or nurse practitioner before returning to sport.
● I will respect my fellow coaches, team trainers, parents, physicians and nurse practitioners and any decisions made with regards to the health and safety of my athletes.
Items marked with an asterisk * are mandatory by O.Reg. 161/19: General.
Removal From Sport Protocol-PDF
Designated Person(s)
In accordance with the requirements set out in Rowan’s Law and its associated regulation, Oshawa Skating Club is required to identify a designated person(s) as having specific responsibilities under the Removal-from- Sport and Return-to-Sport Protocols. The responsibilities for the designated person(s) may be shared between one or more individuals. Each designate must be clear about who has what responsibility under the Removal-from-Sport and Return-to-Sport Protocols.
Under the Removal-from-Sport Protocol for Skate Ontario the designated person(s) is/are responsible for ensuring:
● A skater is immediately removed from further training, practice, or competition if the skater has sustained a concussion or is suspected of having sustained a concussion, regardless of whether or not the concussion was sustained from a sport activity associated with Oshawa Skating Club
● If in the opinion of the designated person(s), there is an emergency and/or any red flag signs and/or symptoms appear including those resulting from a suspected concussion, call 911
● Removal of the skater from further training, practice, or competition; and if the skater is under 18 years of age, the parent or guardian is informed of the removal
● The skater, or the parent or guardian if the skater is under 18 years of age, is advised that the skater is required to undergo a medical assessment by a physician or nurse practitioner before the skater will be permitted to return to training, practice or competition according to the Return-to-Sport Protocol for Oshawa Skating Club
● A skater or, if the skater is under 18 years of age, the skater’s parent or guardian receives the Removal-from-Sport and Return-to-Sport Protocols for Oshawa Skating Club as soon as possible after the skater’s removal
● Once removed, the skater is not permitted to return to training, practice or competition, except in accordance with the Oshawa Skating Club’s Return-to-Sport Protocol
The following outlines a process for immediate removal of a skater who is suspected of having sustained a concussion:
1. Remove the Skater
a. Designated person(s) to immediately remove the skater from further training, practice or competition if the skater has sustained a concussion or is suspected of having sustained a concussion regardless of whether the concussion or suspected concussion was sustained from an activity associated with Oshawa Skating Club.
2. Call 9-1-1 if Emergency
a. Designated person(s) to call 9-1-1 if in their opinion, doing so is necessary (e.g., if there is an emergency and any red flag signs and/or symptoms appear)
3. Inform
a. If the skater is under 18 years of age, designated person(s) to inform the skater’s parent or guardian about the removal from further training, practice or competition
A medical assessment determines whether the skater has a concussion. A skater will not be permitted to return to training, practice or competition until they receive medical clearance by a physician or nurse practitioner to do so.
b. Designated person(s) to advise the skater, or the parent or guardian if the skater is under 18 years of age, that the skater is required to undergo a medical assessment by a physician or nurse practitioner before the skater will be permitted to return to training, practice or competition.
4. Give Protocols
a. Designated person(s) to provide the skater or, if the skater is under 18 years of age, the skater’s parent or guardian with the Oshawa Skating Club Removal-from-Sport and Return-to-Sport Protocols as soon as possible after the skater has been removed from further training, practice or competition
5. Record the Incident
a. Make and keep a record of incidences where a skater is removed from further training, practice or competition because they are suspected of having sustained a concussion regardless of whether the skater is later diagnosed with a concussion
b. The incident must be reported to Skate Canada, and copied to Oshawa Skating Club, in accordance with the Skate Canada Incidents of Injury Reporting and Management Policy and supporting procedure. This information will be kept on file by Oshawa Skating Club.
6. Returning to Training, Practice or Competition
a. Once removed, the skater is not permitted to return to training, practice or competition, except in accordance with the Oshawa Skating Club’s Return-to-Sport Protocol
Return to Sport Protocol-PDF
Designated Person(s)
In accordance with the requirements set out in Rowan’s Law and its associated regulation, Oshawa Skating Club is required to identify a designated person(s) as having specific responsibilities under the Removal-from-Sport and Return-to-Sport Protocols. The responsibilities for the designated person(s) may be shared between one or more individuals. Each designate must be clear about who has what responsibility under the Removal-from-Sport and Return-to-Sport Protocols.
Under the Return-to-Sport Protocol for Oshawa Skating Club, the designated person(s) is/are responsible for ensuring that:
● A skater who has sustained a concussion or is suspected of having sustained a concussion does not return to training, practice or competition until permitted to do so in accordance with the Oshawa Skating Club Return-to-Sport Protocol
● When a skater has not been diagnosed with a concussion, the skater is only permitted to return to training, practice or competition if the skater or, if the skater is under 18 years of age, the skater’s parent or guardian provides confirmation to the designated person(s) about the outcome of the skater’s medical assessment, specifically that the skater has undergone a medical assessment by the physician or nurse practitioner and has not been diagnosed as having a concussion, and has been medically cleared to return to training, practice or competition by a physician or nurse practitioner
● When a skater is diagnosed by a physician or nurse practitioner as having a concussion, the skater is not permitted to move on to unrestricted training, practice or competition unless the skater or, if the skater is under 18 years of age, the skater’s parent or guardian provides a confirmation of medical clearance by the physician or nurse practitioner to the designated person(s)
● A skater is not permitted to return to training, practice or competition through Oshawa Skating Club’s graduated Return-to-Sport steps unless the skater or, if the skater is under 18 years of age, the skater’s parent or guardian has shared the medical advice or recommendations they received, if any, with the designated person(s)
● When a skater is diagnosed by a physician or nurse practitioner as having a concussion, the skater or, if the skater is under 18 years of age, the skater’s parent/guardian has been informed of the importance of disclosing the diagnosis to any other sport organization with which the skater is registered or school that the skater attends
The regulation states that a designated person(s) may rely on the information received from a skater or, if the skater is under 18 years of age, from the skater’s parent or guardian in carrying out their responsibilities under the Oshawa Skating Club’s Return-to-Sport protocol.
The following outlines a Return-to-Sport process for a skater who has been removed from training, practice or competition due to a suspected or diagnosed concussion, regardless of whether or not the concussion was sustained or is suspected of having been sustained during a sport activity associated with Oshawa Skating Club:
Receive Confirmation
Ensure that a skater who has sustained a concussion or is suspected of having sustained a concussion does not return to training, practice or competition until the skater or, if the skater is under 18 years of age, the skater’s parent or guardian provides confirmation to the designated person(s) that the skater:
i. Has undergone a medical assessment by a physician or nurse practitioner and has not been diagnosed as having a concussion, and;
ii. Has been medically cleared to return to training, practice or competition by the physician or nurse practitioner.
If Diagnosed with Having a Concussion
If a skater has been diagnosed by a physician or nurse practitioner as having a concussion the skater must proceed through the graduated Return-to-Sport steps
Graduated Return-to-Sport Steps
Oshawa Skating Club has adopted a gradual Return-to-Sport Strategy. See Appendix E.
Goal of Step
Symptom-limiting activities
Daily activities that don’t make symptoms worse, such as moving around the home and simple chores
Gradual reintroduction of daily school, and work activities
At least 24 hours
Light aerobic activity
Light activities such as walking or stationary bicycle at slow to medium pace for 10 to 15 minutes
Increase heart rate
At least 24 hours
Sport-specific exercise
Individual physical activity such as running or skating/stroking
No spins or jumps activities
Add movement
At least 24 hours
Non-contact training, practice drills
Harder training/skills/dances
Add resistance training (if appropriate)
Exercise, coordination and increased thinking
At least 24 hours
Unrestricted Training & Practice
Unrestricted training and practice-add spins and jumps
Restore confidence and assess functional skills
At least 24 hours
Obtain clearance from physician or nurse practitioner before unrestricted training, practice or competition
Unrestricted competition
Share Medical Advice
A skater, or the skater’s parent or guardian must share the medical advice or recommendations they receive with the designated person(s) before being permitted to return to training, practice or competition through the graduated return-to-sport steps, if any
Disclosing Diagnosis
The designated person(s) must inform the skater or, if the skater is under 18 years of age, the skater’s parent or guardian of the importance of disclosing the diagnosis to any other sport organization with which the skater is registered or school that the skater attends
Medical Clearance
The skater, or the skater’s parent or guardian must provide the designated person(s) a confirmation of medical clearance by a physician or nurse practitioner before the skater is permitted to move on to unrestricted training, practice or competition
Record Progression
Oshawa Skating Club must make and keep a record of the skater’s progression through the graduated return-to-sport steps until the skater, or the skater’s parent or guardian, has provided a confirmation of medical clearance by a physician or nurse practitioner to the designated person(s)
This information will be kept on file by Oshawa Skating Club
Paperwork to be filled out by Medical Professional and the OSC designed person.
Removal from sport notification. (Filled out by Club)
Skater-____________________________ has been removed from sport on _______________ due to a suspected concussion. Skater to get medical attention before they are to return to skating.
OSC Designated Person
Medical Assessment- (medical professional)
To the best of my medical abilities, I, _______________________________, believe, __________________________
◻ Has a concussion and should start the gradual return.
◻ Does not have a concussion and can immediately return to regular sporting activities.
Medical Professional Signature
FOR OSC OFFICE USE ONLY-Notes and tracking
Gradual return started-____________________________________________________________
Cleared by Designated person-______________________________________________
OSHAWA SKATING CLUB- Gradual Return to Sport Protocol
Return to Sport protocol for ___________________________________ . This must be completed once a diagnosis of concussion has been given, even if the concussion happened away from Oshawa Skating Club. This protocol needs to be filled out in conjunction with your medical professional. Please have them help give a clear plan to ensure your skater’s healing is successful.
Here are the steps to a healthy recovery- your medical professional will outline the duration of each step.
Medical Professional sign off
STEP 0- Relax
- No electronics, books, physical activity
Symptom-limiting activities
- Daily activities that don’t make symptoms worse, such as moving around the home and simple chores
Light aerobic activity
- Light activities such as walking or stationary bicycle at slow to medium pace for 10 to 15 minutes
STEP 3:*
Sport-specific exercise
- Individual physical activity such as running or skating/stroking
- No spins or jumps activities
STEP 4:*
Non-contact training, practice drills
- Harder training/skills/dances
- Add resistance training (if appropriate
STEP 5:*
Unrestricted Training & Practice
- Unrestricted training and practice
- Add spins and jumps
STEP 6:*
- Unrestricted competition
Medical Clearance for each stage of Return to Sport.
STEP 3- Medical Clearance
I, ____________________________, clear _______________________ to start the process of returning to skating at the Oshawa Skating Club, they are cleared to start Step 3 of the return to sport protocol on _____________________.
Any additional restrictions besides no jumps, spins or high concentration foot work?_________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________
I will reassess on ____________________ to see if they are ready to move to Step 4.
Medical Professional Signature
STEP 4-Medical Clearance
I, ____________________________, clear _______________________ to start the process of returning to skating at the Oshawa Skating Club, they are cleared to start Step 4 of the return to sport protocol on _____________________.
Any additional restrictions besides no jumps, or spins?__________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________
I will reassess on ____________________ to see if they are ready to move to Step 5.
Medical Professional Signature
STEP 5-Medical Clearance
I, ____________________________, clear _______________________ to start the process of returning to skating at the Oshawa Skating Club, they are cleared to start Step 5 of the return to sport protocol on _____________________.
Any additional restrictions besides no competition?__________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________
I will reassess on ____________________ to see if they are ready to move to Step 6.
Medical Professional Signature
STEP 6-Full Medical Clearance
I, ____________________________, fully clear _______________________ to return to skating at the Oshawa Skating Club, they are cleared to go to Step 6 of the return to sport protocol on _____________________. Thus, returning to full sport compacity.
Any additional details the sports organization should know?____________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________
Medical Professional Signature
The Province of Ontario’s Rowan’s Law introduced new rules to improve concussion safety in amateur competitive sport.
The Oshawa Skating Club is required to collect confirmations from all participants that they have reviewed and will abide by the information laid out in these TWO documents below. You will be asked during registration for this confirmation (PDF version).
Effective July 1, 2019
Government of Ontario Concussion Awareness Resources (please head to this website for more education)
This is mandatory reading for:
all athletes under 26 years of age
parents/guardians of athletes under 18 years of age
coaches, officials, club administrators
FREE Skate Canada Concussion Ed
Skate Canada Concussion Ed is a free mobile app available through the App store, Google Play and can be found on this link here for Blackberry and Window users.
Skate Canada's app provides a method to track signs and symptoms of concussion, following a diagnosis, enabling the user to track symptom duration and severity. The app pairs proven scientific research with fun, engaging material to ensure the information is accessible to everyone, whether you are an athlete, parent, educator or coach.